Insulation is where people end up spending the most amount of time researching. Not only is there an endless amount of options, but it also happens to be the very first thing you’ll do to start your van build.
At this point you’re still under the impression that every decision is going to be make or break and that it might potentially ruin the entire build….
Let me start by telling you that as you get further and further along, the decisions become much, much easier…. I’d say it’s somewhere between tossing in the ceiling fan and cutting in your first window where this starts to happen.
So rather than spend a year of my life writing an article that talks about the difference between hundreds of insulation types, along with their PROS and CONS, I’m just going to talk about what insulation I used and why I selected it.
Thanks to my Espar Heater keeping an interior temperature around 16-18C, I’ve had my van in -35C and got by just fine. So even though I might not have the best insulation in the entire world, it works for me.
My van build spanned 3 different seasons, including the dead of a Canadian winter, and was all done outside of a garage. For that reason, I’m pretty confident in my process and its ability to keep the van at a manageable temperature even in the harshest of winter climates.